Saturday, 29 September 2012

Only in Germany

Went to the local park yesterday to read my book. I was greeted by this old fella going nuts to some music!

Thursday, 27 September 2012

What a terrible day

Wow. Today started with a hastily scheduled meeting for everybody who works in Business Intelligence, Finance, Marketing and IT. This meeting was to discuss the future aims of the company and how they could improve their standing in the 4th quarter after a poor 3rd quarter. It began with an in depth overview of the new action plan which can be summarised into 2 point - increase gross margin, reduce costs. It soon dawned on us why we were in this meeting - we were the costs that were going to be cut. We were told to go back to our departments and work for the rest of the day as if nothing had happened, and that we would be called for later in the day for individual meetings where we would find out if we still had a job or not.

Naturally this was met with utter bewilderment and the day dragged by very slowly with very few of the primary functions of the company running smoothly. I for one felt I was a prime candidate for the chop - I was merely an intern, had only recently started and didn't have a great deal of responsibility. The time came when our department were to be called in for our make or break meetings. Silence fell across the room.

First up was Bastian, the man who I had been shadowing and supporting since my very first day and who provided integral analysis to the entire company. Ten minutes past before he returned. With tears in his eyes he picked up his jacket and left. He'd been fired. This partially calmed me, as I thought I may be in line to inherit his job and that I might be safe.

Next up was Luc a new recruit from Holland whose birthday it was today. He has integrated into the company very quickly and had lots of important tasks regarding the highest people in the company. This did not save him. Another relatively new recruit, Jonathon, was also fired, but he seemed the least bothered of any of them, claiming he already has other jobs in the pipeline. At this point it was 3 out of 3 that had been fired. It didn't look good.

Our boss, who was also sitting in on the meetings, came into the office to call the next 'victim' forward. However, the bad news stopped here, and the remaining 4 people in the department would still have a job come tomorrow. In the space of an hour our department was practically halved in size and for those remaining, the responsibilities doubled.

Huge cutbacks were happening in all departments to the point where the entire Marketing department no longer exists. From a firm of around 800 this morning we are now down to somewhere in the region of 500-600.

The boss called it a day and we all finished early. To say I was relieved would be an understatement and I now look forward to playing an integral role with many responsibilities in what is a very exciting start up company.


Sunday, 23 September 2012


As many of you may know, yesterday was the beginning of Oktoberfest, one of the biggest drink festivals the world over. What many of you may not have known is the ridiculous time you need to get there on opening day to secure a table. Giving ourselves a semi lie-in we made our way to Theresienwiese at half past 8. The site was already a hive of activity, with thousands of people wandering round in Lederhosen and Dirndl. Even at this hour there were people who had gone too hard too soon and were having to be propped up by friends - an ominous sign.

After a short queue we managed to get into the Hofbräuhaus tent, the largest on the site, and met up with our friend Izzy and her friend Katie. These two had been particularly eager and had arrived at 7. They were still only able to get a standing table. So there we were at 9am in an enormous tent waiting for it all to kick off. Beer was not to be served until 12pm when the mayor was to take part in the time-honoured tradition of tapping the first keg of beer. As his cries of 'O' zapft!' rang out, the room erupted and the party began.

Our small group was intended to be a lot larger but events conspired somewhat unfortunately. Katie's 3 friends from Erlangen were supposed to get the train down with her at 5am that morning but had overslept and had to shell out for new tickets. When they finally arrived on site at around 9 30 they were desperate to get in and meet up with us. However, the wooden decking surrounding the tent was particularly slippy and one of them fell quite badly, breaking his arm and needing to be taken to hospital. He's being kept there until thursday as he needs a plate put in his arm. Not a great start. Our other friend Hattie had overslept so only got to the tent at 9 45, by which point the queues were huge and they'd stopped letting people in. After 2 and a half hours waiting she was about to call it a day when we overheard a few people who had sneaked in the back way. 10 minutes later and she was in, sipping on her first stein of Oktoberfest beer.

Songs were sung, beers were drunk friends were made but seeing as how we'd been there since 9am a few of us were ready to leave around 5pm. It had already been a long day. Izzy, Katie and I headed off towards Odeonsplatz to Vappiano's, a restaurant we'd been highly recommended but which was bloody hard to find. At this point I'd've been happy with a Maccies but we persevered and boy was it worth it. Still slightly drunk, the diavolo pizza that i had was to die for and it filled me up good and proper. By this point is was 9pm and definitely time to head home, I jumped on the U-Bahn and made my way back to Michaelibad, safe in the knowledge that I'd enjoyed my time at Oktoberfest without making a fool of myself or breaking my arm. That's got to be a good thing right?

Sunday, 16 September 2012

    For my third weekend in Munich I found myself speaking almost exclusively in English. Friday night saw the usual suspects (Marcus, Greggers and I) found ourselves at the world-renowned Löwenbräukeller awaiting the arrival of some new friends.
    A friend of a friend of a friend had put Marcus in touch with some other brits abroad and we were more than happy to meet up! We spent our night making fools of ourselves in front of Izzy and Hattie, too many Steins, not enough time. A drunken goodbye was said and we all stumbled our separate ways home.
    Awakening to the sound of my housemate's 2 crying kids at 7am was not ideal. This was my day off, I wanted a lie in! I tried my best but sleep would not return so I got up, got dressed and met Marcus and Greggers in town for some serious Lederhosen shopping. We were all pretty unwilling to part with 100€ for something with a limited usage period but we felt it was a must have. And now we all do have. Bring on Oktoberfest!
    The evening saw the three amigos together again at my house, where I cooked them a ("delicious") meal before heading to the swimming pool from which my district gets its name. Michaelibad is great. We went down the slide (obviously), we went in the steam room (obviously) and we did a few lengths in the normal pool. But the majority of our time was spent outside in the heated whirlpool. I feel that place may get some serious use from me in the next 9 months - lush!
   Sunday began with a bollocking from the landlord. Apparently, having friends around is fine, but COOKING FOR THEM?! what the hell was I thinking. He also didn't like that there was a few specks of oil on the hob and ordered me to immediately remove them. Somewhat coincidentally it was also my turn to clean the house. This is a top to bottom clean which is scrutinised by Marek every step of the way. It includes: hoovering, mopping, wiping, cleaning, brushing and emptying to name but a few. Gah. Football then followed shortly after as I headed to the englischer Garten (again) to meet up with a few friends I'd met the thursday before. A lot of fun was had and I actually spoke some german! Hopefully it'll become a regular thing and - whisper it- maybe i'll make some friends!

Watch this space.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

More Photos

Living area and kitchen this time! there's even a piano!

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

It's been a while

 It's been rather a long time since my last post and a smorgasbord of things have occurred. Firstly, I'VE FOUND A HOUSE! It's within walking distance of work and right next to a swimming pool. I'm going to be a buff ting by next year i think. This is the most important thing to happen in my life and here are some juicy, juicy pictures.

Once Greggers had help me transport my bags from his to mine (i stayed at his at the weekend, sleeping on a sun lounger) I was left to do all the generic moving in things like signing a contract, unpacking my bags etc. Although unlike in Leeds there was no rush from my new housemates to see the 'Newbie'. In fact, i've been here for two nights now and said no more than 5 words to each of them. Hmm. It's an odd set up, in which the landlord lives on the top floor and his son is one of the other 3 tenants. I'm yet to be convince whether they're friend material.

Having unpacked my bags I made my way down to the swimming pool 2 minutes down the road and was pleasantly surprised to find that late night swimming costs only 2€! I did a brisk 50 lengths before hobbling home and getting into bed. Last night was the first night I've slept alone in a room for around 6 weeks and the whole experience was rather peculiar. Refreshed and raring to go I got up at 7 and was able to walk into work, a mere 40 minutes away, where I spent the day creating a Powerpoint presentation (yes, people still do those) on Excel for dummies.

My next mission was to the Lidl just down the road as I had no food to eat in the house. After inquiring with a number of locals I made my way there and did as authentic a german shop as I could do. Meaning lots of sausages and weird bread. As I approached the till I remembered something Marcus had said a few days back - "they don't accept VISA in Lidl... fucking melts". I looked into my wallet to see only a 5€ note a few coins. Definitely not enough.

Obviously I attempted it anyway but this merely resulted in embarrassing me as I had to leave the store with my trolley on one side. Another friendly local was able to tell me where the nearest cash machine was, but unlike England, these are not on every corner. In fact the closest one was two bus stops away! I ran. It was raining and I ran. My legs still aching from swimming the night before, I felt like Forrest Gump before his legs miraculously (and somewhat suspiciously) fixed themselves. I made it back to the store minutes before closing time and could finally take my purchases home.

But this was not to be the end of the saga. Oh no. When I arrived back home I dug into my pocket in search of my door key, whick was handily on a lanyard to keep it safe... it was nowhere to be found. I spent over an hour trawling the streets, looking like a low-life whenever I stooped over to check under a car. Nothing.

As of yet I'm yet to hear just how expensive this little error will be, but all will be revealed soon.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Table Dance Boobs

After the end of what was a very long and busy week I find myself sat in the basement with a beer and strawberries listening to a crap dj playing to an empty room while watching the football. After a week I feel I'm really starting to get used to life here (munich, not the hostel).  I now know what my responsibilities at work are going to be for the forseeable future and I have found a perfect flat! Whether or not I'll get it is a different matter.

Located on the banks of the Isar, the flat that I viewed on thursday was a small one but arguably the best suited to me. The people who live there at the moment are my age and I got on really well with them for the short time I was there. The area is beautiful and it's set back from most of the hustle and bustle of Munich, whilst still being quite central. Oh, and it's next to THE BLOODY ZOO! Apparently when it's really quiet you can hear the animals from the balcony. Too cool. I find out on sunday whether I get that, so fingers crossed!

As far as work goes I think it's going to change me as a person. Most noticeably in the eyesight department. 90% of the stadd in my department need glasses and I can see why. I've spent the last two days scrutinising data in an Excel spreadsheet. It's undoubtedly going  to give me a great CV, with new skills (SQL, time management, etc) but it's only been a week and I already don't think it's a career path I want to follow!

Anyways, with no plans this evening I decide to go on an aimless stroll around the city, just as the sun was going down. Boy did I see some sights. First off was the sight of Oktoberfest 2012. I knew the germans were big into their drinking but the sheer size of the park is a sight to behold. I think it's very likely that I'll remember nothing of the next few weekends! Just one street away and I inadvertently wandered into the red light district, not before I'd been past the MENSA headquarters obviously. One that caught my eye was the hilariously titled 'Table Dance Boobs'. Germans certainly do not mince their words.

Tomorrow I'm meeting up with Marcus and Greggers as the three Amigos attempt to locate cheap Lederhosen. Check back tomorrow to see the results! 

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Nathy, don't be hasty

My german needs vast improvement. I understood nothing again today in the office and it's beginning to get to me. I'm fine when (trying to) socialise but I just don't understand any of the technical vocabulary!

I've still not done anything worthwhile as I still have 50+ videos to watch on SQL before I'm ready. I wish they'd just told me in summer I was going to be using it so I could practice! I think I should have a few jobs to do tomorrow, reports to send, etc as I was shown how to do them today. Then once I learn SQL properly it can all kick off. I asked the boss today what I was actually going to be doing and he said it was mostly analysis of data, which means lots of spreadsheets and lots of graphs, but that's fine by me.

The best thing about work is that there is unlimited free drinks all day. Whenever you fancy you can just go and get a 2L bottle of water, fanta, spezi or even beer! I daren't go for that just yet, but maybe I'll have a bad day at some point.

Because I spend most of the day with headphones on I missed when all of the department went for lunch together. I ended up sitting with a few people I'd spoken to briefly the day before but they left me on my own soon after, to return to work. Gah, it'll get better. I've decided tomorrow is the day where I try to be talkative but I don't know how likely that is.

On the house search front, I've had many people who want me to transfer money before I see the flat (obvs not real) but not many real leads. I've got one viewing on thursday at a house which is NEXT TO THE BLOODY ZOO. I hope i get it but they seem to be doing it as an interview process so I'm nervous!

Tonigh i'm going for dinner with Marcus and Greggers, who arrived today, to catch up and hopefully have something good to eat for a change!

Monday, 3 September 2012

Working 10 til 7, what a way to make a living

I did it! I had my first day and am still alive! After a somewhat restless night sleep I got up nice and early to give me plenty of time to get to Westwing. After a 20 minute wait at the Hauptbahnhof (unheard of) i made my way to Leuchtenbergring and into Dingolfingerstraße 2, Westwing's head office. A trip up to the fifth floor found me in a meeting room with the 20+ people who were also starting today, either as interns or full time. The introduction was made a great deal easier by the fact that is was conducted totally in english because some people at the company cannot speak german! Losers.

After a tour of the office (which is now spread on 3 floors) we went for another 'team-dinner', where I ended up sitting opposite one of the founders of Westwing. Luckily, i'd been able to steer clear of the people who didn't speak german and conducted the rest of my day in german! I didn't find it that difficult during lunch even though it was really noisy but that might've been because every other person in the company is a complete babe! I've never seen such a good looking group of people!

In the afternoon we all went our separate ways and began in our various departments. When I came to Westwing for my interview there were only 3 people in the department but the growth of this company is astounding - there are now 10 of us! I don't know what it was about the people in my deparment but I barely understood a word for the rest of the day :/ luckily I was able to hide myself away with some video tutorials on SQL which I need to learn - currently there are 62 remaining which isn't ideal!

The workplace seems really relaxed and I think I'll settle in quickly. My colleages are nice and I think there may be some future friends there! The work seems doable and best of all, the guy who was rude to me last week no longer works there - success!

House search still hasn't moved on but - dare i say it - i'm beginning to settle in!

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Better late than never!

Saturday was an odd day. After going far too hard on friday night, Marcus and I awoke to realise we were supposed to be meeting the one and only Simon Falk at the Hauptbahnhof in 10 minutes time! Once we'd found him we spent the day walking around Marienplatz and checking out the various weird shops. We had a late lunch and ended up eating in an Afghan Restaurant! There's a first time for everything and it was delicious!

We walked around for a bit more before leaving Simon for the afternoon. This was not the last we would see of him. After a nap, some dinner and a few games of table football we headed out to meet a man called Nick Bauer who Marcus was buying a bike off. It was love at first sight and Marcus now can't stop talking about it!

We then walked/cycled to the University where we met Simon and some ex-Leeds Uni students who are now living in Munich. It was happy hour so we got plenty of cheap cocktails in before heading to a club in the middle of nowhere. We must have been walking around for about half an hour not really knowing where to go. - so little german efficiency! In the meantime we met a battered old man on the U Bahn who even the germans were struggling to understand. Obviously we beatboxed and he rapped over the top, it's the natural thing to do! Eventually we made it to the club, apparently there was a big night on which meant you could get into any club in the area with your wristband which was pretty cool. It was very much like an english club and i had perhaps one too many drinks but we live and learn eh?

Great night and will be nice to meet up with that group again, especially seeing as how they can help us out with anything!